New New Yorkers Program - QMA

Traditional Korean Bookmaking

Instructor: Seongmin Ahn

Week 2: Create My Own Visual Journal 1 (based on Four Gentlemen Drawing): Orchid Drawing

Instructor will introduce basic skills of Four Gentlemen drawing each week for four weeks. Each student has freedom to follow instruction of each day or to keep practicing one subject that he/she likes.
Students will use any of these subjects to create their own four-panel journal.
It can consist of four Orchid drawings or two Orchid drawings and two Bamboo drawings and est.
Writing a diary or poem on drawings is strongly encouraged.

Reference of orchid in Asian culture

-The orchid represents spring, the symbol of grace reflecting the ultimate feminine virtues. It grows in the deepest      mountain in silence and solitude. The beauty and grace of the orchid are fragile in form, with no violent tendencies. Its fragrance is strong but never overpowering.
Introduction of Orchid painting
-Student will learn how to draw Orchid paintings in traditional manner; later using these visual vocabularies they will create their own abstract painting
Material: rice paper, liquid charcoal ink (sumi ink), Asian brush, white fleece (brown paper), water container, paper towel
Goal of the day:
-One basic orchid painting following the traditional manner.
-One abstract painting using vocabularies in Orchid painting

Click on each picture below to expand them...

Orchid 1 Orchid 2 Orchid 3 Orchid 4 Orchid 5
Orchid 6 Orchid 7 Orchid 8 Orchid 9 Orchid 10

Here are some works done on February 20's class:

Orchid 1 Orchid 2 Orchid 3 Orchid 4 Orchid 4


항국어 페이지


Lesson 1 - Day 1
Lesson2 - Day2
Lesson3 - Day3
Lesson4 - Day4
Lesson5 - Day5
Lesson6 - Day6
Lesson7 - Day7
Lesson8 - Day8
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