Treasure Hill Artist Village, Taipei

寶藏巖國際藝術村 是台北市第一處聚落型態之「歷史聚落」。寶藏巖聚落的地 景特殊性,刻畫出巷弄蜿蜒、階梯緩坡起落、沿著山城構築錯落的風貌。多元的移民族群以漸進的自立營造模式,有機演繹出與地景山勢共構的聚落特質。在既有居 民環山簇居之外,活化保存的政策同時引入「藝術駐地」與「青年會所」創意,希冀「寶藏家園」、「寶藏巖國際藝術村」及「國際青年會所」三大計劃,能以「共 生」精神,創造聚落美好未來。「寶藏巖國際藝術村」規劃了「創作計畫駐地工作室」以公開徵選各類型的創意工作者,提供進駐三至六個月之住宿及工作室,希冀進駐者能經過中長期在地的細緻觀察後執行駐村計畫。2006年《紐約時報》將該聚落納入台北最具特色的景點之一。


Treasure Hill Artist Village was listed in 2004 as the first “historic community” by the Department ofCultural Affairs, Taipei City Government. Following on from the event “Taipei Treasure” in 2006 and various research projects in 2007-2009, AIR Taipei officially took over the operation of the THAV in 2010. The unique location of Treasure Hill with its narrow alleys and stairways traversing the hillside, gives THAV a European rural village feel. Over the years, various groups settled the hillside with their own lifestyles and needs creating a tribal-like organic scene. With the existing residents, together with the urban policy of preservation and revitalization, the Artist-in-Residence program and Youth Hostel it is hoped that the parties will collaborate in the spirit of “paragenesis” to create a better future of the entire community. In 2006 Treasure Hill has been featured in The New York Times as one of Taiwan’s must-see destinations。


2012年1/9-4/9由農欣發起,並邀請TrafficJam<塞車>錄像團體一同在寶藏巖駐村創作。Traffic”代表著城市與遊牧,“Jam”意味著相聚和互動。從透過網路合作相識的團員,進一步以實際面對面的方式創作。並以遊牧駐村的模式,針對每個不同駐村的城市進行探索。利用團員多元的文化背景與觀點,呈現城市不同的切面。此次為期三個月的駐村期間內,共邀請12位來自不同國家的錄像藝術家,一同生活和創作。在此駐村期間內,除了讓團員們體驗台灣和寶藏巖獨特的生活型態,並創作了許多與寶藏巖和民眾互動的錄像作品,詳細的資訊請參閱Traffic Jam 網站。

In 2012 Nung-Hsin coordinated a video group –TRAFFIC JAM participating three months residency in Treasure Hill. Traffic Jam is a project-based collective that unites international artists in an urban environment. Treasure Hill provides TJ a wonderful platform for a diverse cultural collaboration across artistic disciplines encouraging exchanges between International and Taiwanese professional artists. Through an intense period of residency, living and working together, TJ create various video projects that response to this unique environment. For more information please visit Traffic Jam website.


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