Printmaking Club – Linocut Enthusiasts – Week 8– Graduation

Queens Museum – Studio B

New New Yorkers

Printmaking Club – Linocut Enthusiasts.

 Final Class – June 23rd, 2023.

In our last class, we gathered to celebrate the end of another great Printing Workshop. We shared snacks and received certificates. As always, we will pause our printing activities during the summer months but will return in September.

Guido and I want to express our heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you for being part of this printmaking workshop adventure that we have created together. 

We look forward to seeing you all in future workshops. We would also like to invite you to our Family Programs workshops on weekends, where art-making workshops are offered for children and adults. Thanks!!Gracias!  Xièxiè 谢谢

Spanish / Español

En nuestra última clase, nos reunimos para celebrar el final de otro Taller de Grabado. Tuvimos un momento agradable en el cual compartimos refrigerios y recibimos certificados. Como siempre, haremos una pausa en nuestras Classes de grabado durante los meses de verano, pero regresaremos en septiembre.

Guido y yo queremos expresar nuestro más sentido agradecimiento a todos y cada uno de ustedes por ser parte de esta aventura de talleres de grabado que hemos creado.

Esperamos verlos a todos en futuros talleres de New New Yorkers asi como nuestros Programas Familiares los fines de semana. Thanks! !Gracias!  Xièxiè 谢谢

Artist educator: Michelle Melo

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