Today, we look at ways we can add text with watercolor. We can use watercolor gradation and spatter to the lettering. Another method would be to apply a loose wash of watercolor where text can be added later with either ink or pen when the watercolor layer is dried. A light wash could make the text page more cohesiveness and can seamlessly link the page to the next. I’ve brought in two books this week for the participants to reference: “An illustrated journey” and “Art before breakfast” both by Danny Gregory. The class also had an amazing opportunity to visit two artists’ studio from the Studio program: Jennifer May Reiland, who uses watercolor as her main medium, and Iman Raad that showed us his glass paintings.
今天我們學習如何用水彩來添加文字。可以先用淺色水彩畫出文字的輪廓,趁水還沒乾時加上其他顏色來渲染。這樣能夠創造不同的漸層和紋路。另一種方式是應用顏色渲染填滿大量區塊,等乾後再用原子筆或墨水添加文字。本週我帶了兩本書供參學員參考:Danny Gregory的“An illustrated journey”(內容含有二十多位水彩藝術家的旅行創作) 和“Art before breakfast”。 今天的課程還很有幸的參觀兩位現任Studio Program藝術家工作室:以水彩為主要媒介的Jennifer May Reiland和向我們展示他的玻璃畫的Iman Raad。