現代舞 課程一 肢體開發Body

暖身Warm Up(1hr) 1.呼吸以及延展: 吸氣, 慢慢將雙手往上延伸, 彷彿要碰到天花板, 聳肩到極限. 吐氣, 雙臂轉到後側, 與肩舺骨緩緩放下. 2.慢走, 快走, 小跑, 快跑, 四種不同的速度. 先依序活動, 再交錯不同的速度以訓練反應靈敏度以及身體的控制力. 3.分成兩組, 排成一列. 由最前頭的那位以自己習慣的暖身動作帶領整對團員一起活動. 之後依序換下一位做為帶頭直到全部團員輪過一次. Body(1.5hr) : 頭, 肩膀, 胸, 背, 胯, 膝, 足, 手肘, 手掌, 基本上身體主要可動關節以及前後平面. 1.用不同類型的音樂做為指引, 以身體某單一部位活動, 想像以此部位為筆來寫字.Ex. 頭, 以頭為筆尖寫字, 並依照音樂的節奏或旋律舞動. 音樂可以用古典樂或是民俗音樂, … Continue reading 現代舞 課程一 肢體開發Body

Adhikaar and NNY in the Park!

For the last 10 years the Tibetan community in Queens has been growing exponentially. As the now older Indian diaspora moves out of their old enclave in Jackson Heights and out into the New Jersey suburbs and other parts of the nation, their shops and the feel of the neighborhood has been revitalized by other South Asian groups: Bengalis, Nepalese and Tibetans.

ESOL Class 4; More on Geotagging Options

Geotagging (also written as GeoTagging) is the process of adding geographical identification metadata to various media such as a geotagged photograph or video, websites, SMS messages, QR Codes[1] or RSS feeds and is a form of geospatial metadata. This data usually consists of latitude and longitude coordinates, though they can also … Continue reading ESOL Class 4; More on Geotagging Options

ESOL Class 3; Creating Your Own Map, Adding Multimedia

1. America Revealed http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2161488/Secret-corpse-flights-pizza-boy-delivery-routes-daily-commute-Stunning-aerial-images-reveal-seen-America.html   Links to the tutorial documents 1. Creating your own maps in Google Maps] 2. Adding photos to your placemark 3. Embedding videos on your placemark In-class Exercise  1. How did you come to QMA today? … Continue reading ESOL Class 3; Creating Your Own Map, Adding Multimedia

Arts and Education Space for Immigrant New Yorkers