English below. 4주째에는 밑선을 그은 위에 일차 밑색 을 칠하기 시작했습니다. 비단은 장지처럼 두껍지 않고 얇고 반투명한 재료입니다. 장지처럼 두꺼운 채색을 올릴수가 없는 재료이지만 그만큼의 깊이를 내기 위해서 얇게 여러번 칠하도록 권해드렸숩니다. 또한 그럼으로서 붓자국이 남는것을 최소화할수 있습니다. 다음시간에는 일차 … Continue reading Korean Painting on Silk Workshop – Week 4→
In this class, we learned how to prepare our drawings and have it ready for binding into a book. To do so… We will first need to punch holes into the pages to make sure it aligns with the book … Continue reading Creative Watercolor III in Mandarin – Week 7→
This week, we continued to make book cover and back cover for our artists’ books. I also introduced two new artists, Shahzia Sikander and Marcel Dzama, who use watercolor and gouache as a primary medium for their art. Sikander is known for … Continue reading Creative Watercolor III in Mandarin – Week 6→
In this class, we learned how to create a hardcover book cover and back cover. This type of cover design is specific for Japanese stab binding. First, we cut the cardboard to the size of our book. For the front cover we cropped … Continue reading Creative Watercolor III in Mandarin – Week 5→
Arts and Education Space for Immigrant New Yorkers