“It’s about Us” – A New New Yorkers Exhibition at Queens Museum

Sunday, Dec.18 1:00 – 4:00 PM
New New Yorkers Art Opening Exhibit
“It’s about us!”
An Exhibition from The New New Yorkers Program at The Queens Museum
Queens Museum –  Partnership Gallery 2nd floor
December 18, 2016 – January 15, 2017.

The artists participated in a wide range workshops offered in 2016 including: Experimental Watercolor, Collective Storytelling, Photobook Storytelling, Drawing Sound, Basic Sculpture, Basic Digital Photography,Drawing Journal, Spanish for Mandarin Speakers, Advanced Silkscreen, and Design Thinking. These works reveal the diversity of visions, cultures, concerns and artistic approaches of our immigrant adult community that proves their tenacity to improve their life and build a new and better future in spite of adversity.

In partnership with the Queens Library, the Queens Museum’s New New Yorkers program offers free multilingual classes to meet the needs of adult immigrant communities in Queens. New New Yorkers offers adult immigrants the opportunity to interact closely with accomplished professional artists and engage with their innovative work, allowing them to broaden their horizons and learn valuable life skills through the arts.The program provides opportunities for personal creative expression through rigorous art courses, exhibitions, and participation in cultural festivals. It also supports student-led initiatives at the Queens Museum. Courses emphasize the arts, technology and English language acquisition, provided at no cost, in a variety of languages, most often Spanish, Mandarin, and Korean.


Drawing Workshop 用素描紀錄生活- Week 8

到了最後的一堂課,大家合力完成了我們的共同創作。這次除了鉛筆,還加上彩色色鉛筆以及拼貼,把畫面變得更豐富。大家眼中的紐約,就一點一滴的在這個圓圈上出現了,層層疊疊,是誰的筆畫、誰上的顏色、誰貼的圖案,已經不重要了,重要的是這個過程,大家都很享受。 大家畫的地圖作業,也是讓我們非常驚艷。每個人的表現風格都不同,巧思跟創意都好有趣。我覺得自己從學生身上也學到了好多,每次聽到大家回家廢寢忘食的畫,就很感動。希望這種想要畫畫的動力,可以一直延續下去! 接下來就是12/18的畫展開幕了,我們會盡力用最完整的方式呈現這八週的創作歷程,也希望你們有機會可以來看看囉。謝謝大家。

Drawing Workshop 用素描紀錄生活- Week 7

今天我們坐在Peace Table一起合作,畫一個圓圈,主題是自己印象中的紐約。在15-20分鐘後,我們玩了大風吹,把大家的位子隨意對換。大家筆下的紐約變得越來越有活力、有特色,還結合了最近的時事。最後總共換了兩次位置。這個活動不僅是要配合Mierle的展覽或是Panorama,更是要讓大家體驗到,素描也可以是團體的、好玩的、有互動性的。 最後一個小時我們去拜訪QM的駐村藝術家Ruby Amanze。Ruby是在奈及利亞出生、英國受教育、在美國完成學業的藝術家,有攝影跟織品藝術的背景。她最近主要的創作媒材就是drawing, 而且作品尺寸大到佔滿了她一半的工作室空間,要跪趴在地上進行創作。她作畫的材料為鉛筆、液體石墨 (liquid graphite)、彩色墨水 (ink)、液態壓克力顏料 (liquid acrylic)、有時候還會用亮粉 (glitter)。她最後也示範了照相轉印 (photo transfer with acrylic medium & varnish finish)的技術,也說明保護作品需要用的噴膠(fixative)。 她的作品靈感來源是許多她生活中拍攝與搜集來的圖片、夢境、建築等等。她的素描本裡面有一些初步的鉛筆構圖。不過她說,每當開始畫的時候,她也只有百分之五十的把握最後完成的作品會長什麼樣子,其他的,就是邊畫邊琢磨。至於要怎麼把這麼小的構圖轉換為大尺寸的畫?她說有些人會利用投影,或是畫格子當參考線,而她通常都是直接徒手開始,運用人物各個部位本身的相對位置來取得比例。這是要經過長時間的練習才會有的精準度。 她的作品絕對不是傳統的素描,而是充滿張力跟明亮甚至霓虹的色彩,像是身在夢境中、漂浮於太空中的神秘故事。這也是drawing吸引她的地方- 簡單、原始、直接,卻有無限可能性。

Arts and Education Space for Immigrant New Yorkers