Category Archives: Classes

ESOL Class with Pamela Cardwell- Week 6 ( last class / visiting Zhang Hongtu’s Studio )

  We had a wonderful visit to Zhang Hongtu’s studio for our last English class. Hongtu and his wife very graciously opened their studio in Woodside Queens for us. We asked Hongtu questions about his art practice and his past … Continue reading ESOL Class with Pamela Cardwell- Week 6 ( last class / visiting Zhang Hongtu’s Studio )


During our second to last class, students finalized their books using the feedback from their peers. Students prepared for their final presentations, wrote their bios and supported their peers. It was exciting to see students produce publications with such a … Continue reading MEMORY,HISTORY IN ZINES AND ARCHIVES – Week 5

Printmaking Meets Ink Painting – Week 8

8주 마지막 시간에는 수묵화와 판화를 병행하며 최종 작품을 완성하였습니다. 여러개의 작품을 빠른시간에 손쉽게 찍을수 있는 판화의 성질을 이용하여, 여러개의 판화 작품을 다양하게 만든후, 수묵화 기법을 더하여 변형을 주어가며 조금씩 다른 여러장의 작품을 만들수 있었습니다. 8주간 열심히 참가하셔서 함께 좋은결과 만들어내셨습니다. … Continue reading Printmaking Meets Ink Painting – Week 8